The most important thing I learned during this course is that our multidisciplinary group of geographically dispersed health care professionals are more similar than we are different in the challenges experienced navigating the health care system and supporting patients.
This course taught me organization and the importance of curated resources and gave opportunity to stretch my writing muscles again, it has been a long time since I wrote academically. My interest in reading and learning about issues was sparked by weekly forum posts, I enjoyed that structure to share information on a variety of topics and issues in a relatively short period of time. I was able to refine and learn skills in searching, research, and determining acceptable sources all while getting re-familiarized with APA formatting.
Curation was new to me, and I struggled at the beginning to understand why it was going to be important. The past 13 weeks I have experimented with a variety of curation tools, landing on OneNote as the one that best worked with my workflow and organization.
I had no professional social media presence at the start of this course and was resistant to developing one. A byproduct of social media having minimal involvement in my current role this course challenged me to embrace the benefits of social media both for networking, information sharing and exposure.
While I have not fully embraced a wholesale change to my feelings of social media, this course has challenged me to look for opportunities where I previously wouldn’t have considered them. I learned that media is a powerful tool with a much broader definition then I was using. It can be a great way to reach large amounts of people, and also to connect with likeminded people around a variety of topics.